Olympus Gymnastics ONLY accepts drop requests when submitted through this form.

Please fill out this form entirely and hit the submit button at bottom. Once submitted, our staff will review and send out a confirmation email if it meets all the guidelines set forth in our drop policy. Submitting this form is not a confirmation of your drop request. 

Please list the email that is on file. This is used for verification.
Tuition is billed on a monthly basis and drops will occur ONLY at the end of a billing cycle. We do not give refunds or prorate tuition for drops. IF YOU DO NOT SEE MONTH LISTED IT IS EITHER TOO FAR IN ADVANCE OR PAST THE CURRENT MONTH DROP DATE IN OUR POLICY.

I am requesting the following student(s) listed above be dropped from Olympus Gymnastics. As per the written policy of Olympus Gymnastics, I further understand the following: 1) All students enrolled in recreational classes require a minimum 2-week written notice. This notice must be received by the 15th of the month prior to the month you wish to un-enroll in order to avoid additional tuition charges. Any notice received after that date will have full tuition charged for the following month and enrollment continued throughout. I understand Olympus Gymnastics works on a month to month tuition bases and all drop dates will be the last day of month. 2) Students who are members of any of our competitive team programs require a 30-day written notice. 3) All drop notices will receive a confirmation number. I understand it will be my responsibility to ensure my drop notice is properly received by Olympus Gymnastics and that I have been given a copy (or email reply) with MY DROP CONFIRMATION NUMBER. Please note we DO NOT accept drop notices via phone, fax, verbally, or via regular mail or email. If you electronically submit your notice, it is your responsibility to make sure we have received it. If you have not received a confirmation reply from us within 2 business days, please call and check on the status. 4) Olympus Refund Policy- Any unused tuition after the student’s drop date will remain on your Olympus Gymnastics account as a credit. Credits may be used towards ProShop purchases or future tuition. WE DO NOT PROVIDE REFUNDS.

Clear Signature
By signing above, you acknowledge that: 1) My child will no longer be enrolled in their class as of the effective drop date which will be the last day of month chosen above. 2) My spot will not be saved for me. I will have to re-register in order to sign my child back up for classes. (If the class I want is full, I will either have to choose a different day and time, or be put on the waiting list. 3) I acknowledge that this form MUST be submitted BEFORE the 15th of the previous month or else my credit card may be charged. Electronic Signature Agreement. By signing above, I am signing this agreement electronically. I agree this electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this agreement. I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.